Mental Health

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an exceptionally effective, short-term coaching approach that improves family relationships and increases positive and supportive communication. PCIT responds to an often-expressed parental wish... having a trained professional whispering in their ear what to say/do at the time they need it. PCIT serves children ages 2-5.

PCIT helps to

  • Enhance your parent/child relationships and child management skills
  • Increase your child's ability to manage frustration
  • Improve your child's minding and listening skills
  • Build your child's confidence
  • Encourage your child's independence and self-control
  • Improve your child's attention skills
  • Strengthen your child's social skills

How it works

PCIT is a coaching program that works with the parent and child together. Observing from behind a one-way mirror, the therapist coaches the parent through a wireless earphone on specific ways of relating to and managing the child's behavior "at the moment." PCIT consists of two phases: Relationship Enhancement and Child Management. In both phases, parents are taught specific skills that enables them to immediately put into practice what they have just learned. While typically the program consists of about 14 sessions, parents often report marked improvement in 3-4.

For more information about this program, contact

Turning Point Family Services - (980) 781-5156

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) threaten a child's safety or security. Also called "trauma or toxic stress," they are unpleasant, hurtful experiences. They cause health problems as an adult. If you ACEs as a child, you pass the effects onto your children.

LiVe Well Counseling

LiVe Well Counseling is a service of the Cabarrus Health Alliance which provides outpatient behavioral health services (therapy) for ANYONE 5 and older in our community who is interested in improving their overall mental wellness.

For more information about this program, click here.

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