Dr. Russell Suda Receives Karen W. Ponder Leadership Award

Substance Use Network (SUN Project) founder, Dr. Russell Suda, was awarded the 2022 Karen W. Ponder Leadership Award by the North Carolina Partnership for Children during a special ceremony on May 24, 2022 at All Saints Episcopal Church in Concord, NC where community partners, patients, and leaders gathered to celebrate this honor. Patients who had successfully turned their lives around shared how Dr. Suda had supported them in their recovery journey as he stood next to them holding their baby. A representative from Senator Thom Tillis’ office came and read a letter congratulating Dr. Suda and Cabarrus county for this work and honor.

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Just Released: 2022 NC Child County Data Cards

This week, NC Child released its annual County Data Cards, highlighting key indicators of child health and well-being in North Carolina. These data benchmarks indicate how children were faring in 2020 - the first year of the pandemic. The data points can help elected officials adopt policies that allocate funds to make our communities stronger.

Continue reading to view the full Data Card for Cabarrus County.

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February Is Family Support Awareness Month

Family Support consists of early childhood home visiting and parenting education (HVPE) programs that are designed to strengthen the relationship between parents and children, increase parenting skills, and build confidence. These programs build a system of support for families and ensure children are ready to learn, improve child health and keep children safe.

HVPE programs are delivered by well-trained professionals and are intended to support parents and caregivers and promote healthy development and strengthen family relationships.

Providing access to home visiting and parenting education to all North Carolina families would extend these benefits across the state. That's why we need #FamilySupportNC.

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Cabarrus Receives $6.5 Million in Federal Funds to Prevent Evictions

The U.S. Department of Treasury awarded Cabarrus County Government more than $6.5 million to help local households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding is available through the $25 billion Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) established by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. The County can use the funds through December 31, 2021.

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