The Mary Frances Wall Center in Concord is offering a free summer camp for pre-k students of Cabarrus County residents and essential workers. Students must be the age of 3 or 4 years old on or before the start of the summer program on June 7, 2021.
Cabarrus Partnership for Children has been selected as a recipient of a community grant through The Jonathan Foundation. The funding will be used to purchase the board book, "Sleep Baby, Safe and Snug", which provides education on safe sleep and promotes parent-infant bonding and early literacy.
Join thousands of community members in the Charlotte region who will be uniting online to learn and grow together during the Racial Equity 21-Day Challenge hosted by United Way of Central Carolina.
The North Carolina Department of Commerce is conducting a survey and a series of public meetings to learn more about how North Carolina residents are discriminated against when searching for housing. It is against the law for anyone to be denied housing based on their race, the color of their skin, their religion, their sex, their national origin, a disability, or familial status (having children or being pregnant).
Save the date for a free online premiere of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library's new documentary, 'The Library That Dolly Built: Celebrating the People Who Made Dolly's Dream Come True' on December 9 at 7:00pm EST! This exciting virtual event will feature a live Q&A and a song from Dolly herself!